Monday, February 22, 2010

You Are What You Eat

Many people tease me for wasting my money at places like Whole Foods, Outpost, Trader Joe's and Farmers Markets or for eating at local restaurants that are going to charge more than their big corporate counterparts. There are obvious reasons (to me) why I prefer buying grass-fed beef that is humanely raised at 5.99 a pound versus 2.99 a pound and that is because not only are the animals treated better during their existence but also for what goes into their bodies while being raised.

There are major issues in the Department of Agriculture and the money that subsidizes the farms that make our food. Check out these videos below and start thinking about what you buy at the grocery store. Try to buy local and spend the extra cash. Some will say, "Brendan, its easy for you, you don't have a family to feed, we just can't afford it." I'll say, you can't afford not to. The fact that the majority of the food in big retailers and chain restaurants is making you lethargic, fat and in the long run will cost your overall well-being.

Don't buy over processed food. BUY real food.

Educate yourself and buy smarter and costs WILL go down.

Please avoid products with PALM OIL (this destroys rainforest and is NOT good for you)

Please avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup (this makes you FAT)

Don't eat $1 double cheeseburgers at fast food (Nasty beef raising standards and destructive environmental behaviors)


Peter Jennings presented this great piece in 2004: Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5

Friday, February 19, 2010

Easy Tiger

Today Tiger Woods apologized for putting his penis in over a dozen different vaginas while married with children. That's not a very respectable thing to do Mr. Woods but then again it's your penis and your life. I feel bad for your wife and children. Your kids will eventually learn what you did to mommy and probably have quite a bit of contempt for you. You do have over a billion dollars so I'm sure your kids would be fucked up no matter what and you'll be able to buy them whatever they need to get over the fact daddy likes sex.

The apology on national TV angers me. This is a private situation and the apology should be all about those close to you, not the fans and the sponsors. Do you think steve in Charlotte, watching ESPN in his boxers eating a hungry man really cares if your rich ass wants to put it in random girls vahjayjays? No, we expect that! Steve wants to watch the highlights of his Bobcats!

Athletes that make millions and millions of dollars as young men are gonna have a lot of sex with a lot of strangers. Kobe Bryant is still hittin up the hot coeds and just about every athlete has a girl in every major market. Fact, men with money will use the women that want their money by having sex with them; Don't be angry at these guys.

Woods was married though, and as much as I understand how sex in professional sports works, once your married, you've decided to live with one woman and grow old with her; the casual sex must stop when you say I do.

Now go golf! Sitting at your mansion golfing alone will not create more sympathy from your fans. They don't care about your personal life, they want to see majors won. Hell, I'd have more respect for Tiger Woods if he, got a divorce and embraced his sexuality and started bringing scores of different women to his tournaments. Knowing woods is gonna go home with a trophy, a million dollars and have an orgy in the clubhouse makes me forgive him all the faster.

Go get 'em Tiger!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I can't believe its been 2 weeks

2 weeks since my last posting! WOW!
I guess its cause I've been very leisurely lately.

I decided last second to go to New Orleans for the Super Bowl with my friend Nic Hanson. It was a blast but next time I don't think I will drive there...Milwaukee through Chicago to Memphis, even Jackson Mississippi up until the bayou, everything looks the SAME. it's flat, winter death, ugh. I though I was going to drive off the road several times to spare myself the sight of one more Cracker Barrel.

While down there it was like Mardi Gras on steroids, with all the anticipatory Super Bowl parties and Carnival parades, they gave a nice vibe to the overall party atmosphere. Super Bowl Sunday was too intense to ever conjure up a proper description worthy of equalling the moment. I will just say it was sheer drunken bliss, as if the whole city had won the lottery.

After some car troubles and traffic we returned to dull, drab Milwaukee where the most exciting thing happening was measuring how much snow had fallen...

unemployment is boring the hell out of me so I bought some tickets to San Francisco in April with my good friend John Busch. We are gonna hit up SF for a few days and then head to LA for a few more. If I can get a job out there I'd love to be able to sign a lease while I'm on vacation. I can wait awhile before april though, as I will be turning 29 on the 11th and the last 5 years have gone WAY too fast.

Monday, February 1, 2010