This oil spill seems to be the only thing on my mind lately; actually losing sleep over the images I see and the articles I read. The thought of 500,000 gallons of oil and other gases pouring into a precious ecosystem, a day, makes me ill. Containment hasn't worked, Top kill hasn't worked and now, an option that IS on the table, is the detonation of a nuclear weapon to try and seal off the leak. Russia has done it 5, FIVE times and has worked relatively well (at sealing the leak). What hasn't gone so well are the side effects of detonating a nuclear warhead in the oceans. It kills life, life that we depend on to keep ours. It poisons the water that we drink and the air that we breathe. With the dead zones (areas where there is no oxygen for life) spreading across the gulf, some as big as New Jersey, something has to be done and fast. Already 90% of the fish in oceans of the world have been fished and the recent spill threatens extinction of Blue Fin tuna not to mention complete death of coral reefs if a nuclear warhead is detonated.
This spill MUST be a WAKE up call, a FUCKING environmental fire alarm to the humans that WE are killing ourselves, FAST! The temperatures are getting warmer, oil is flowing in the water and almost no fish are left in our water. It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants. Now we are thinking about NUKING the ocean floor?
Put the pieces together.
It is time to realize what is important.
We are part of this earth and all that keeps us alive IS what we get from the earth so we should STOP poisoning it.
A meteorite took out the dinosaurs and WE are going to take ourselves out...
This is really scary because, unlike a fairy tale, things don't always end with a happy ending.
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